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Automatic Press Brake Feeding System

Trapezium marking & trapezium feeding under press brake.


OMM provide wide and flexible solutions by its latest automatic press brake feeding system with marking high accuracy, automatic trapezium feeding, camera vision system making suitable this machine for poles production plant with medium/high production rate and high bending quality demand.

OMM’s automatic press brake feeding system, integrated with the synchronized tandem press brake, can easily be operated and carried thanks to its user-friendly interface. It’s produced with the latest production technologies able to guarantee the best results in term of trapezium automatic marking and trapezium bending.

It is used for steel poles production representing the solution for companies that want to produce poles with high quality and high accuracy of bending, integrating the press brake with this system.

The integration of this machine with the synchronized tandem press brake machines allows to manage the integrated station mentioned above by one operator only. The process will be automatically managed from the trapezium pack loading till the completing shell bending.

The system allows to take in charge one trapezium per time thanks to a vacuum system, measuring automatically the four main dimensions (minor base width, major base width, trapezium length and thickness) and automatically mark the trapezium. After marking, the trapezium is moved to press brake where the camera vision system will detect the marking and will move the trapezium in order to align the two opposites marking and bend it correctly.

Tecnichal and main features

OMM’s Automatic Press Brake Feeding System guarantee a perfect bending dividing correctly the real width dimension providing the same side dimension, that means the guarantee to assembly the poles one inside the other, for high mast poles and transmission poles (poles made with 2 or 3 segments).

Making a well marking and bending it’s the main feature in order to have a correct poles shape and the possibility to easily assembly more segment poles.

This machine as all our machines/systems has been designed and manufactured respecting all the norms, in term of safety and respecting the environment (noise, fumes aspiration, energy recovery back), given by the European Community:

• Complies with all applicable requirements of the machine directive 2006/42/EC
• Conforms with all applicable provisions of the directive 2006/95/CE (low tension)
• Conforms with all applicable provisions of the directive 2004/108/CE (electromagnetic compatibility)
• Conforms with the standard EN ISO 12100 (General principles on machine design)
• Conforms with the standard EN 60204 (Machine Electrical Equipment)

OMM implement the management system in conformity with the European norm ISO 9001:2015 for the designing, construction, installation and maintenance of the industrial automatic equipment for steel fabrication (EA 18).

  • Automatic trapezium feeding system
  • Automatic trapezium dimension reading system
  • Automatic sheet marking
  • Camera vision system for marking detection
  • Trapezium automatic management
  • Unique control (Synchronized Tandem Press Brake / Automatic Press Brake Feeding System)
  • Real time data monitoring system and teleservice through internet connection
  • Production rate up to 3,5 min / shell (i.e. 8 pole sides)
  • Only one operator for line management